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About Lindsey

Cartoonist, artist, writer

Lindsey Maglito is a cartoonist, artist, and writer of four children's books.  Her latest book is titled Fun at the Ballpark.  Her children's books are imaginative and teach children meaningful values and morals.  Lindsey is actively working on another book and endeavors to produce a cartoon t.v. series based on her books.

Lindsey's writing experience does not stop there.  She is an award-winning blogger, having won a "Blogger of the Year" award in 2009 for her consumer protection blog.  She now manages a music blog in her free time.  Before professionally writing, she created cartoon characters, comic strips, and digital drawings of street scenes and various avant-garde works.  Today, she creates freehand pencil drawings.  Her writing and drawing prowess spans decades.

Lindsey's favorite pastimes are listening to music, drawing, blogging, and playing with her Yorkie named Lucy.  


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© 2024 by Lindsey Maglito

                               © LINDSEY MAGLITO 2024


                    Friends in Jellytown publishing rights © Lindsey Maglito

        Friends in Jellytown characters and related indicia are copyrighted.  All Rights Reserved.  

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